The changing landscape of photography

Call me a purist, but I am not one to use a smartphone and a photo filter.Still, I must admit, that I am very surprised but the quality of a lot of the things that I see coming out, specifically in the amateur stream. I’ll tell you, there are complete stock photography resources, beat them databases or web sites or groups of websites, anything along those lines, you know what every single photo is a stock photograph that has been taken with a mobile device or smartphone. Trust me, the first time I was looking at one of these, in particular, I had no idea. I thought that this was just a regular professional stock photography resource, nothing tipped me off to the fact that it wasn’t. Besides, the other thing was photography is that it’s perfect for all sorts of things. In these apps, yes they are based on Photo filters, but they’re full of all sorts of good art. I can literally go around and look at everything that so many different people are creating and posting. It’s an amazing thing. It’s so inspiring, as somebody who’s interested in photography, because there is just an endless source of new, quality work coming up, and very little of it is supported by ego. It is all amateur, on the verge of professional. Well, not all of this on the verge professional but that’s just how these things go. But, honestly, I could look at these photos for hours and never once what I think, what an amateur photo filter to put on or anything along those lines.

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